Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Mistletoe for Freedom!

Help save Christmas for this family!

Buy unsubstantial mistletoe from them for $2.50

Their paypal:  rbrow107@msn.com

and please turn this cause viral :)


My friends don't have very much money.  Their kids have consistently been top sellers at the school when they sell candy and chocolates for fund raisers.  So being creative and not wanting to get charity, they devised a plan to use their specific talents to raise money, as they made the world a better place.  They would buy mistletoe in bulk and then make these cute mistletoe hangy things and sell them door to door for $2.50.

They were extra cautious not to disturb people if there was any sign they would not appreciate solicitors, and they were doing well, until the police got involved.

Apparently 11 year olds need background checks (think $400 for the family) in order to sell door to door, (unless of course it is for a big company using kids as child labor to sell their candy through the schools).  We must keep the residents of our town safe!

They researched and tried to talk sense into the policeman, and were told they could come plead their case Monday.

They did yesterday, and were told in no uncertain terms that they would not be allowed to sell mistletoe without paying over $400!  That is all they expected to make if they sold every last one!
"You're a mean one Mr. Grinch!"

I suggested selling online, but at this point they kind of are out of time.
So I would like everybody who reads this to help save Christmas!  I got their paypal.  It is

rbrow107@msn.com   rbrow107@msn.com

If everybody who reads this buys some unsubstantial mistletoe from them for $2.50, we could show them how much the world really does care, and show the big business/government entity that we don't need them and their $400 background checks on 11 year olds.  Also, even if you can't afford $2.50, if everybody who read this turned this story viral, we could spread the Christmas Spirit all over the world, giving people the chance to give.

("Money is like manure. You have to spread it around.")

I am actually really grateful for this chance.  I have no money, and with so many kids, I have no time and even less energy.  But I so love to give Christmas presents, so hopefully writing this post is my chance.  How much fun for everybody to have the chance to help save Christmas, just by spreading the word.  Wouldn't it be fun if they got the biggest Christmas ever!

Also, I was thinking that we could make mistletoe the symbol of freedom for the Christmas season!  If everybody who was sick of being shot down when they try to rise from the mud of having to brownnose  their boss or the govt. (or both) in order to be able to afford to follow all the expensive rules we deal with here (like keeping your grass mowed).  If everybody who believed in freedom hung mistletoe, what a statement it would be.  What a statement it would be to have mistletoe everywhere!  (I'm thinking I'll hang ours in the car - it is poisonous to have around our "taste first, think later" house)

One year we had no money. (familiar story, lol)  As I was leaving the store parking lot, I saw a man with a sign, begging.  I had nothing I could spare, but we kept our loose change in the ashtray.  I scooped up all of it, and gave it to him.  It was probably less than a dollar.  He said "Thank you, oh thank you, God bless you!"  Knowing that God does answer prayers, even those, or maybe especially those uttered by homeless beggars, I wondered if God would bless us with some of the things we needed.  Then I realized that God had already blessed me with what I wanted most.  It is hard to be poor.  I had nothing to give;  no time, no energy, no money.  I was even too tired to think straight, so I couldn't even give my wisdom.  But the Lord had blessed me so lovingly with a chance to give to someone to whom less than $1 made a difference.  Someone who was intensely grateful even for something so insignificant that I could give it.

1 comment:

  1. Giving is the greatest blessing of all. If only we could find a good way to teach this to our children.
