Saturday, January 11, 2014

Gummy men

This is a story I have heard several versions of, I just can't find it...
So here is my retelling, and if anybody knows where I can find it or what it is called, please tell me!

Once upon a time there was a beautiful peaceful city called The City of Gummy Bears.  This was because that is who lived there.  Eventually, their peaceful existence was bound to come to an end, as their whereabouts was discovered, and people wanted to come and have all the wonderful things that they as Gummy Bears owned. 

A Gummy Scout came running in to tell the Gummy Queen about a ferocious army from the North, riding on Polar Bears and leaping up and down ice mountains in it's unrelentless trek straight for the Gummy Palace.  Before he had left, a Gummy Scout from the west came to report on an army astride giant Rattle Snakes, slithering through the dunes formed by the desert sands, determined to conquer the Land of the Gummies!  And before the exhausted scout could catch his breath, another Gummy Scout, this one from the East, came to report that not many days journey away, a giant army that he couldn't see the end of, of practically cities on top of Giant Elephants, was steadily marching towards The City of Gummy Bears.  And then the last Gummy Scout staggered in from the south to tell of an even bigger army full of trained cats, Lions, Tigers, and Jaguars!

So the Queen of the Gummy Bears called in her 4 Gummy Generals, the bravest and Strongest of all the Gummy Bears, and she sent one Gummy General in each direction, to ward off these ferocious armies.

So the first Gummy General took off north to defeat those Polar Bears, but his Gummy men got lost in the snow, (though they ate quite a bit of it, delicious!)

The second General took of West to assault the Rattle Snakes, but his Gummy men got buried in the sand (and it took them weeks to dig themselves out). 

The third General went East to stem the tide of Elephants, but got lost in the tall grass, (and some even had to be pulled out of a mud puddle).

Now the forth General was by far braver and stronger than all the other General's put together, so he took his Gummy men swinging through the trees, but so thick was the foliage, that he passed within inches of the Cat army, (and even between some of their paws), without even knowing it.

So, despite the Gummy armies best efforts, the 4 armies from the 4 corners of the world marched (and slithered, and leaped, and slunk on padded feet) on.

The Gummy queen had ordered everybody underground in the beautiful and giant cave under the castle, where glowing crystal made it look like a fairy land.  So when the 4 armies arrived there was no one in site.

The Polar Bears, the Rattle Snakes, the Giant Elephants, and the Army of Cats, all happened to arrive at the City of Gummy Bears, at exactly the same moment.  Looking across the deserted land, the Polar Bears suddenly started to shiver, although they never got cold.  They didn't know the Gummy Bears had an army of Snakes, Giant Elephants, and assorted Cats!

Opposite them, the Army of Cats started to kneed the ground in nervousness, there were 3 giant armies of Polar Bears, Snakes, and worst of all Giant Elephants!

The snakes didn't have to look long to discover they were outnumbered, and not just by any army, by three huge armies consisting of Bears and Elephants and an incredibly large number of different kinds and sizes of Cats (some of them like the Bengal Tiger were quite huge!)

And, although Huge and seemingly numberless, and undeterrable by any army, the army of Giant Elephants wasn't undeterrable by THREE different armies, at least these are the thoughts that went through their chieftains heads as they looked at the 3 formidable armies consisting of Rattle Snakes, Polar Bears, and Cats they could see outnumbered only by the cats slinking in the shadows, that they couldn't see!

All at once, all 4 armies simultaneously called a hasty retreat!  And such were the legends told in each corner of the world about the armies of the Gummy Bears, that never again was anybody brave (or foolish) enough to try to conquer them again.

And along about Spring time, the Victorious Gummy Armies, headed by the 4 Brave Generals, returned back home, and there was a huge victory party thrown for them.

And this is what I think about when I think my ideas are the best. 

You see, strong people may think the world should be ruled by strength.  Smart people may think it should be ruled by intelligence.  Creative people, by creativity, and innovative people by innovations.  So when I go off on my utopia of a world where there are no laws, and no rules to give someone more of a right to possessions.  When I think that if only people would communicate with each other, instead of relying on laws enforced by police - whether the laws were made by the people or not - I have to remember that maybe it is because I think communication is a good thing to learn.  Maybe there are people out there who are glad they can call Child Protective Services when they are not quite sure a parent is parenting how they would have in that situation, or Animal Control if a dog is in their yard.  Maybe there are people who want to be able to call the police if a stranger enters "their" house in the middle of the night, and not have to "talk him out of it".  So who am I to force freedom on people who would prefer it a different way.  Am I no different than one of the armies approaching the Gummy Bear City?  I dream of a utopia of negotiation, but is that everybody's dream?  A shy large man with lots of muscles may find it unfair to be forced to talk to people about what he wants.  It may be as painful and impossible for him, as arm wrestling to get what one wants, would be unfair for a slight week person who was incredible at negotiation.  Maybe some people are better at getting votes, than convincing people individually.  Should I make it my goal to force them to live in a world where communication is constantly mandatory?  Should any of us be forced to live in a world where laws rule, regardless of right and wrong.  Where people are unduly encouraged to "let the authorities deal with it" instead of human contact?  What IS a utopia?

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