Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Communication Revolution!

To celebrate this time of year, let's start a revolution.

So often we bemoan the govt. and laws. 
So often we bemoan the inequality of money.
So often we think that some time in the future when we manage to get rid of all of these oppressing controls, we will be able to experiment with living in peace and happiness with personal communication taking the place of impersonal enforced rules.
But what if we didn't wait?

What if, instead of trying to get rid of a smothering government who takes too much business into their own hands ...  What if instead of trying to figure out a way to redistribute money so everybody will have the same amount of voting power the almighty dollar gives us ...  What if we instead started living without these things.  I do not mean being voluntarist.  I do not mean not to acknowledge laws or money ourselves.  I do not think a revolution where we all just took what we wanted without paying for it would be kind even if it miraculously managed to be peaceful.
I mean not using the benefits of these things.  Not asking for more by depending on them.

I once read a "nice thought for the day", that sickened, shocked and scared me, as only those who have been run out by "the govt." can probably understand.  It said something along the lines of

 "Make the world a better place.
Report an incidence of animal cruelty
Report someone misusing the carpool lane
Report someone littering
Report a child that could possibly be abused (so authorities can make sure that they aren't.)
If everybody who read this, did this every day, the world would be a better place!"

This was being sent virally over the internet between friends of mine (strangely childless friends or ones who weren't in that stage of life).  It was worded nicer, but I couldn't help but wonder if it had started out as a joke, and then people missed the sarcasm.
But then I realized that people who do these things truly believe they are doing noble and good things to sacrifice their time to improve the lives of others (children and animals). 
And I try desperately to get the image from some movie where children were being indoctrinated by Hitler to report their own parents for even being slightly sympathetic to anything not approved by Hitler - out of my head.

Instead, let us start a revolution NOT involving the govt. and NOT involving being ruled by money!!!

Let us start a communication revolution!

Instead of calling the govt. when your neighbor doesn't mow his lawn, or even when he is drunk and nude in his front yard, try cookies.
In some third world countries, when you get in a car wreck, you take cookies over to the house of the people you got in a car wreck with.  It is amazing the effect eating cookies will have on the ability of people to come to happy solutions to their problems. 
Instead of calling the cops on the people who leave their starving dog tied up all night in the freezing cold, instead of calling the cops on the person who insults you in some illegal way, or the person you suspect of child abuse, GO TALK TO THEM.  ESPECIALLY those ones you "know" won't listen.  See what you can do to help.
And take cookies.

Instead of charging people money for you to help them or work for them, start doing everything you can for free, and then some.  Instead of buying stuff from big stores, tell people about the revolution to get rid of money, and ask them to give you stuff, not because you deserve it, or because they approve of your use of it, but simply because it will make them feel good. 
Then go a step further and start asking businesses to give you stuff.
Stop using govt. and stop using money.

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