I learned to pray as I learned to talk.
I did not learn to pray because "if I prayed God would give me blessings."
I did not learn to pray because "good people pray."
I did not learn to pray because I hurt God's feelings when I didn't pray.
I didn't even learn to pray because I would hurt my parents' feelings if I didn't pray!
I learned to pray because I love God.
I learned to pray because I know He loves me.
I learned to pray because I know I can tell Him anything and everything and He will still love me.
I learned to pray because I know these things. Every single morning of my life, if I cared to get up that early, I could peek into my parents' room at 4:00 am and see my mother kneeling up against her too soft chair, audibly pouring out her soul to God.
I know she loves Him.
I know she knows He loves her.
I know she knows she can tell Him anything and everything and He will still love her.
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