Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Youtube: Hobbit "Good Morning"

When I say "Merry Christmas!"  I mean "I am excited about Christmas because I LOVE Christmas and I am so happy that I am about to burst!"
I do not mean "I think you should believe in my religion/like the same kind of art as I do/eat as much candy as I do!"

There is a manger scene display out on the grass of a small park by a road I drive on.  Their is a sign almost as big as the display saying "THIS IS NOT PUT UP BY THE CITY AND THE CITY DOESN"T INDORSE OR OPPOSE IT!"
So instead of this good happy "Somebody is celebrating something that is making them really happy" feeling inside when I see it, all I get is this "we better make laws to prevent people from being rude about their religion!" feeling.  I think people are people, whether they are babies or adults.  I know with babies that if you expect them to be evil selfish little things and treat them with that in mind, no matter how kindly you treat them or how much freedom you refuse to take from them, they will not let you down in your expectations.  I am pretty sure adults act that way too.
I just want to put one of those "THIS IS NOT PUT UP BY THE CITY AND THE CITY DOESN"T INDORSE OR OPPOSE IT!" signs up on the ridiculously garish piece of modern art in the park, that destroys my view of a peaceful wild river.

Modern Art Sculpture by Jon Allen

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