Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers

Hold On to Your Kids

There are few books and ideas that have helped me more than all the others.  There are scriptures, the beauty of the books by Victor Hugo  (Victor Hugo is my favorite, but I will drool over his individual books at some later point in time)  Taking Children Seriously (TCS), Bonds That Make Us Free, and then this book.  In other words this book is one of the BIGGEST significant books that have helped me in my entire life!
I think it is the things that confirm what I have suspected, but just couldn't nail down, that I like best.  I had never heard of it before, but now I know I am a "developmentalist".  Children are not born a certain way, nor are they taught to be a certain way, but they are like plants and grow according to who they are and their environment.  What we teach kids isn't the important question, but what environment we give them to grow in and to learn and discover for themselves. 

We have all heard of attachment parenting.

The Continuum Concept

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